
Hi! I’m Heather. Only not really. My parents almost named me Heather, but instead opted to use the name of a TV character from a show they liked. For now, online, I’m Heather, possibly until my children are old enough to decide for themselves whether they want details of their lives published online.

I’m a mother to four amazing children and I’m in the process of going through a divorce after ten years married to their dad. You’ll read about some of my struggles here adjusting to a greatly reduced household income, figuring out where the kids and I will live, sharing custody with my (soon to be) ex-husband and finding time for things I enjoy, like working out and spending time with my friends and family when I’m not with my babies. As my life has changed dramatically in the last few years, I’m still working on figuring out the blog’s focus. In the future I will add more about being a divorced mom, budgeting, cooking for a large-ish number of kids and more.

I’m a real mom and my blog reflects that. If I try something and I fail, I share it. My home isn’t perfectly organized. Most days we’re tripping over toys and each other just to walk across a room. I struggle every day with prioritizing the billions of tasks before me. Do I exercise or clean the kitchen? Read a book to my youngest or fold clothes? Take the kids to the zoo or stay home to weed the garden?

Besides being a mother, friend and dreamer, I run my own creative business from home. The hours are challenging but I love what I do. Just remains to be seen whether I’ll continue at it in the years to come. Due to the divorce I’ve also added a part time job at a restaurant.

A few random trivia bits

I’ve lost over 40 pounds in the last two years
My first baby was over 11 pounds. Ten days early. And I’m 5’3″. Yes, I had a c-section.
I am a horrible dancer yet I find myself salsa dancing with friends almost every other weekend. It’s fun, you should try it!
Ya, I live in Minnesota. It does get a little cold here in the winter.
I love to cook, but I’m bad at following directions. Luckily things still end up edible.

Hope you’ll look around and read more!


  1. Oh yeah, I’m impressed with the weight of those babies!

  2. Nice to meet you Heather! Look forward to more on your blog!

  3. I love how you keep it real on your blog…Also? Your recipes look amazing. 🙂

  4. Hi, there! I just nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger award! Rules are on my page, if you’re into that thing (ok too if you’re not!). Have a beautiful day!

  5. YOu live in MN? Me, too! Born, raised, and still here!
    Awesome. I love meeting new MN bloggers

  6. Like what I’ve read so far. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures. I’ve only got one child but in order for me to continue working outside the home while hubby is deployed for a year, had to seek help from a daily and costly dog walker and to keep dust bunnies and general chaos from taking over my life, a weekly housekeeper. There’s a lot of soul searching lately on the value added factor of me working outside the home… I wish you luck as you continue your work as well! keep up the fun blog!

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